Event Details

State, County Michigan, Wayne
Event Title: Cultural and Linguistic Competency Learning Series: Racism Is Making Me Sick
Start Date Time: 08/06/2020 12:30 PM
End Date Time: 08/06/2020 02:00 PM
Location (facility name and address): Bluejeans
Event Description/Learning Objectives: 

Participants will be engaged in a lecture session focused on the impact of racism on physical and behavioral health. By utilizing a trauma informed approach to assessment, this lecture will provide language that can be incorporated into psychoeducation and community education and awareness.

Speaker Name: Daicia Price, LMSW
Speaker Credentials: LMSW
Suggested Participants: Administrative (management
Adult Foster Care Home Operator
Behavior Health Coordinator
Board Director/Trustee
Case Manager
Certified Addiction Counselor
Certified Advanced Addictions Counselor
Certified Peer Support Specialist
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
Clinician/Case Manager (YAP)
Consumer (Receiver of Services)
Consumer Advocate
Corporate Compliance Officer
Crisis Counselor
Department of Human Services Worker
Direct Care/Community Health Worker (Aide
Personal Assistant etc)
Fire Fighter/Paramedic
Foster Parent
Independent Facilitators
Infant Mental Health Endorsed Worker
Intern (Paid)
Job Coach
Law Enforcement
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Medical Director
Nurse Practitioner
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA)
Parent Support Partner
Peer Mentor
Peer Support Specialist
Physical Therapist (PT)
Physical Therapy Assistant
Physician (MD or DO)
Physician Assistant (PA)
Placement Coordinator
Prevention Educator
Prevention Specialist
Professional Counselor
Program Assistant
Program Manager
Program Operations Coordinator
Program Operations Specialist
Program Supervisor
Quality Information Analyst
Quality Operations Manager
Recovery Coach
Registered Nurse (RN)
Resource Coordinators
Site Leader
Social Work Technician
Social Worker (Bachelors of Social Work)
Social Worker (Masters of Social Work)
Specialist (JJ)
Speech Pathologist
Student (full-time)
Support Coordinator
Support Staff/Receptionist
Wraparound Facilitator
Youth Advocate
For Questions about Attendance,
please contact:
Marika Orme
Phone Number: 313-909-5466
Email: morme1@dwihn.org
Training Category: Children's Initiatives
Cultural Competencies
Open To: CMH Workers from Other Agencies
CMH Workers in My Own Agency Only
The Public
Deadline for Registration: 8/5/2020
Non-DWC trainings and conferences that appear on this website are created and delivered by third parties that are independent of the DWC (DWC). DWC is not responsible for the content of those trainings and conferences. Inclusion of a training or conference does not constitute endorsement by DWC or the party or parties associated with that training or conference.