DWC - Online Training

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**An important message from the Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney**

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This course discusses abuse and neglect of children, dependent adults, and elder adults. Also, included is information on when and how to report incidents of abuse and neglect.

It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation.

Credit Hours: 0.5
Credit Types: MCBAP, Training Hours
Frequency: Biennial

This training provides an overview of harassment and discrimination in the workplace including the types of harassment, examples of how harassment manifests itself in the workplace, what to do if you feel you have been the victim of harassment, and what employees' responsibilities are in preventing workplace harassment and discrimination.

Credit Hours: 0.5
Credit Types: MCBAP, Training Hours
Frequency: Biennial

This training offers clear guidance for supervisors and leaders on harassment and discrimination in the workplace including how to recognize and prevent harassment, what to do if you feel you have been the victim of harassment and explains the responsibilities of supervisors to respond promptly and appropriately if faced with a complaint of harassment.

Credit Hours: 0.5
Credit Types: MCBAP, Training Hours
Frequency: Biennial

This course provides information to help DWIHN staff and providers effectively relate, provide service, and offer assistance to individuals across various dimensions of difference. Whether those differences are cultural, racial, religious, sexual, political, age, or other, as a DWIHN employee you are responsible to provide equitable healthcare for all people receiving mental health, developmental disability, and/or substance use services.   

The intent of this training is to support the delivery of: 

Equitable and respectful treatment of people receiving services regardless of their individual or cultural differences. 

Frequency: Biennial

This course addresses the following topics: national, state and local emergency preparedness; weather emergencies; fire safety; and how to prepare an emergency kit. This training is designed to meet the MDHHS training requirement for direct care, clinical and administrative staff. It must be completed within the first 30 days of hire and every two years thereafter as a refresher course.

Emergency Preparedness may be taught by employers and documented in the employee's HR record or this online course may be used to meet the state training requirement in this topic area.

Frequency: Biennial

This training will cover the processes to request a fair hearing and a local appeal, as well as the types of grievances that can be filed.

It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation.

Frequency: Biennial

This training provides a basic introduction to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules. Your employer can and should have policies and procedures that are tailored to its particular functions. You should become familiar with those mandates that are exclusive to your institution. You may select the HIPAA course that best suits your needs and job duties. If you work at the supervisory level or higher, you should consider completing HIPAA Intermediate or HIPAA Comprehensive instead of this module.

It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation.

Frequency: Triennial

This course will increase understanding of the scope of Human Sex Trafficking in the United States. Risk factors, possible indicators and the impact on the lives of victims will be covered.

Frequency: Biennial

This course describes a core set of infection prevention and control practices required at all DWIHN settings. This includes inpatient and outpatient venues and applies to all providers and DWIHN Staff. The course focuses on standard prevention practices and provides background, rationale, and related infection prevention recommendations.

Frequency: Annual

This training provides information pertaining to working with individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English.

Frequency: Triennial

All employees of Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) and Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs) (which are collectively referred to as “Sponsors”) and the entities with which they contract to provide administrative or health care services for enrollees on behalf of the sponsor (referred to as “FDRs”) must receive training about compliance with CMS program rules.

Frequency: Annual

This training was developed utilizing the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) web-portal training titled “Medicare Fraud & Abuse: Prevention, Detection, and Reporting,” which was revised June 2023. This information is designed strictly for educational purposes. All information was current at the time of publication. However, Federal Program rules change frequently so updates to this information may have occurred since publication.

Frequency: Annual

Completion of this Person-Centered Planning (PCP) online training is the first step in developing a skillful Person-Centered Planning practice.   The integration PCP into daily work requires ongoing learning and supervision.  This training provides an overview of the core elements of PCP.

Credit Hours: 1.0
Credit Types: MI-CEC, CMHP, QIDP, QMHP, Training Hours
Frequency: Triennial

This course is intended as an alternative to the traditional Person Centered Planning for Children, Adults, and Families course which clinical staff are required to complete. This course is specifically required of all Direct Support Professionals (Direct Care Workers) on an annual basis. It does not satisfy the PCP training requirement for staff with a Bachelor's degree or higher in the mental health field.

This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries .75 training hours. This course will increase understanding of the person-centered planning process, as well as emphasize the importance and the functions of an individualized plan of support.

Credit Hours: 0.75
Credit Types: MCBAP, Training Hours
Frequency: Annual

This training is a refresher course to supplement the initial Recipient Rights Course required by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). 

It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing, or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation. 

Rights are everybody's business!

Frequency: Annual