DWC - Online Training
Training Grids
- 2024 Required Training Grid A link to a pdf file is present.
- 2023 Required Training Grid A link to a pdf file is present.
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**An important message from the Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney**
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This course discusses abuse and neglect of children, dependent adults, and elder adults. Also, included is information on when and how to report incidents of abuse and neglect.
It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation.
This training provides an overview of harassment and discrimination in the workplace including the types of harassment, examples of how harassment manifests itself in the workplace, what to do if you feel you have been the victim of harassment, and what employees' responsibilities are in preventing workplace harassment and discrimination.
This training offers clear guidance for supervisors and leaders on harassment and discrimination in the workplace including how to recognize and prevent harassment, what to do if you feel you have been the victim of harassment and explains the responsibilities of supervisors to respond promptly and appropriately if faced with a complaint of harassment.
This course provides information to help DWIHN staff and providers effectively relate, provide service, and offer assistance to individuals across various dimensions of difference. Whether those differences are cultural, racial, religious, sexual, political, age, or other, as a DWIHN employee you are responsible to provide equitable healthcare for all people receiving mental health, developmental disability, and/or substance use services.
The intent of this training is to support the delivery of:
Equitable and respectful treatment of people receiving services regardless of their individual or cultural differences.
This course addresses the following topics: national, state and local emergency preparedness; weather emergencies; fire safety; and how to prepare an emergency kit. This training is designed to meet the MDHHS training requirement for direct care, clinical and administrative staff. It must be completed within the first 30 days of hire and every two years thereafter as a refresher course.
Emergency Preparedness may be taught by employers and documented in the employee's HR record or this online course may be used to meet the state training requirement in this topic area.
This training will cover the processes to request a fair hearing and a local appeal, as well as the types of grievances that can be filed.
It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation.
This training provides a basic introduction to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules. Your employer can and should have policies and procedures that are tailored to its particular functions. You should become familiar with those mandates that are exclusive to your institution. You may select the HIPAA course that best suits your needs and job duties. If you work at the supervisory level or higher, you should consider completing HIPAA Intermediate or HIPAA Comprehensive instead of this module.
It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation.
This course will increase understanding of the scope of Human Sex Trafficking in the United States. Risk factors, possible indicators and the impact on the lives of victims will be covered.
This course describes a core set of infection prevention and control practices required at all DWIHN settings. This includes inpatient and outpatient venues and applies to all providers and DWIHN Staff. The course focuses on standard prevention practices and provides background, rationale, and related infection prevention recommendations.
This training provides information pertaining to working with individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English.
All employees of Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) and Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs) (which are collectively referred to as “Sponsors”) and the entities with which they contract to provide administrative or health care services for enrollees on behalf of the sponsor (referred to as “FDRs”) must receive training about compliance with CMS program rules.
This training was developed utilizing the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) web-portal training titled “Medicare Fraud & Abuse: Prevention, Detection, and Reporting,” which was revised June 2023. This information is designed strictly for educational purposes. All information was current at the time of publication. However, Federal Program rules change frequently so updates to this information may have occurred since publication.
Completion of this Person-Centered Planning (PCP) online training is the first step in developing a skillful Person-Centered Planning practice. The integration PCP into daily work requires ongoing learning and supervision. This training provides an overview of the core elements of PCP.
This course is intended as an alternative to the traditional Person Centered Planning for Children, Adults, and Families course which clinical staff are required to complete. This course is specifically required of all Direct Support Professionals (Direct Care Workers) on an annual basis. It does not satisfy the PCP training requirement for staff with a Bachelor's degree or higher in the mental health field.
This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries .75 training hours. This course will increase understanding of the person-centered planning process, as well as emphasize the importance and the functions of an individualized plan of support.
This training is a refresher course to supplement the initial Recipient Rights Course required by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).
It is important to note the rules and laws governing confidentiality do not preclude a mandated reporter from reporting to the appropriate authorities when someone is being abused or neglected, is abusing, or neglecting someone in their dependent care, or is demonstrating suicidal ideation.
Rights are everybody's business!
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ACT - Advanced Elements I - Recovery & the Stress-vulnerability Model
This is an advanced course for Assertive Community Treatment practitioners. The "ACT - Advanced Elements I - Recovery and the Stress-vulnerability Model" course will provide information about Recovery and the Stress-Vulnerability model.
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative has approved this training for 1.0 hour of CE credit. Learners must complete "ACT - Basic Elements of Assertive Community Treatment" before taking ACT - Advanced Elements I.
ACT - Advanced Elements II - Core Processes of Assertive Community Treatment
This is an advanced course for Assertive Community Treatment practitioners. The "ACT - Advanced Elements II" course will provide information about Core Processes of Assertive Community Treatment. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative has approved this training for 1.0 hour of CE credit. Learners must complete "ACT - Basic Elements of Assertive Community Treatment" and "ACT - Advanced Elements I" before taking ACT - Advanced Elements II.
ACT - Advanced Elements III - Service Areas of Assertive Community Treatment
This is an advanced course for Assertive Community Treatment practitioners. The "ACT - Advanced Elements III" course will provide information about Service Areas of Assertive Community Treatment. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for 1.0 hour of CE credit. Learners must complete "ACT - Basic Elements of Assertive Community Treatment" and "ACT - Advanced Elements I & II" before taking ACT - Advanced Elements III.
ACT - Basic Elements of Assertive Community Treatment
This is an introductory course for Assertive Community Treatment practitioners. Topics covered include: history, practice principles, philosophy of recovery and benefits of ACT.
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative has approved this training for 1.5 hours of CE credit
ACT - The Field Guide
This is an introductory course for Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) practitioners to familiarize themselves with the ACT Field Guide, a user-friendly, quality improvement tool developed by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) and the Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI) Systems Reform Program. The ACT Field Guide integrates standards from Michigan Medicaid and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Adult Topics
Advance Directives for Medical & Mental Health Care
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this MDHHS recommended training for 1.0 CEC hour. The Advance Directives course explores planning for medical and mental health care in the event of loss of decision-making ability.
Co-Occurring Disorders: Principles of Successful Treatment for Individuals & Families with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
This training meets the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services certification requirement for this topic area. Co-Occurring Disorders: Principles of Successful Treatment for Individuals & Families with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders by Kenneth Minkoff, MD provides basic information on working with persons with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder diagnoses. An emphasis is placed on creating a welcoming environment and completing strengths-based assessments using Stages of Change. This course will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete and awards 2.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, qualified mental health professionals, and specific credit for certified drug & alcohol counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Developing Cultural Competence in Systems of Care
This course will take approximately 2.0 hours to complete and carries 2.0 CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. MDHHS require that all members of the community mental health workforce complete training in the topic area of cultural competence a minimum of once every three years. This course addresses the cultural competence model through the prism of historically marginalized populations, specifically through the American Indian population. It will emphasize how racial and ethnic identity formation theory, and how an individual’s’ cultural beliefs and values determine how they utilize mental health services.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Training
In this course, Josh Smith, LMSW, BCD provides an introduction to DBT, a treatment model rooted in an individual's ability to change. In standard DBT, different types of psychosocial therapy may be utilized as part of treatment. DBT emphasizes validation, a powerful technique wherein the therapist and participant work toward accepting uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and behaviors rather than struggling with them. Once validation occurs, it is then possible to establish goals. As a comprehensive treatment, DBT can:
- Decrease the frequency and severity of self-destructive behaviors.
- Increase the motivation to change by providing positive reinforcement.
- Teach new "coping skills" that generalize to a person's natural environment.
- Provide a treatment environment that emphasizes the strengths of individuals and their treatment.
- Enhance the therapist's motivation and ability to work effectively.
DBT also integrates coping skills and specific behavioral techniques used to combat the disabling symptoms of mental illness. This training takes approximately four (4) hours to complete and provides the following credits upon completion: 4.0 CEC hours for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and qualified mental health professionals.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
From Brain to Behavior Part 1
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 1 of 4 addresses the principles of establishing empathy. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 2
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 2 of 4 addresses meeting basic needs and begins a discussion of brain structure and its impacts on behavior. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 3
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 3 of 4 continues the discussion around the impact of brain structure on behavior begun in Part 2 of this series. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 4
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 4 of 4 concludes the series with final thoughts on establishing empathy, meeting basic needs, and the impact of brain structure on behavior. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
How to Develop Treatment Plans that Make Sense to Client: Improving Documentation and Clinical Use of the Treatment Plan and Progress Note
This course will take approximately 4.0 hours to complete and carries 4.0 CEC's for licenses social workers and licensed professional counselors. This course will improve participants' knowledge in providing focused, targeted, and individualized behavioral health treatment. Reference will be made to The ASAM Criteria assessment dimensions to help organize assessment and treatment data.
Human Sexuality: Sexual Awareness for Children & Adults with Mental Illness or Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities
This course will take approximately one half-hour to complete. This course will explore the various stages of sexuality in children and adults with mental illness or a developmental disability.
Duration: 30 min. | Frequency: Once |
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 1: An Overview
This training will increase awareness and understanding of PSH, illustrate its core concepts, and provide an overview of how PSH works in the Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health system. It will take approximately 75 minutes to complete this course. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 1.0 hour of CE credits for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 2: Housing and Recovery
This course is intended for people who have completed Overview of Permanent Supportive Housing and will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 1.5 hour of CE credits for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 3: Planning for Housing
This course is intended for people who have completed Overview of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and PSH 2: Housing & Recovery. It will increase your understanding of how housing can be integrated into person-centered planning and improve your ability to assess and address individual preferences for housing and community support. This course will take approximately two hours to complete. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 2.0 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 4: Critical Time Intervention
This course is intended for people who have completed: (1) Overview of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH); (2) PSH 2: Housing & Recovery; and (3) PSH 3: Addressing Housing Needs Through Person Centered Planning. This course will increase your understanding of Critical Time Intervention (CTI) as an Evidence-Based Practice and will show how CTI can be used within PSH. This course will take approximately two hours to complete. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 2.0 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 5: Assuring Quality in Evidence-Based Practices: Introduction to the General Organizational Index (GOI)
General Organizational Index (GOI): Assuring Quality in Evidence-Based Practices: An Introduction to the GOI will increase your understanding of the purpose and structure of the GOI and teach how to use the GOI for assessment of community living skills. It illustrates how the GOI can be used to strengthen the quality of evidence-based programs. This training counts for 2.0 CEC hours for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and Qualified Mental Health Professionals.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 6: Assuring Quality in Evidence Based Practices: Introduction to EBP Fidelity Assessment
This course will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete and carries 2.5 CEC's for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This course will increase understanding of fidelity scales for evidence-based practices (EBP), using Permanent Supportive Housing as an example of how to EBP fidelity assessments of programs are conducted.
Prescription Drug Abuse and Opioid Epidemic
This course will take approximately 0.5 hours to complete. This course will inform how to distinguish among a pain diagnosis, a substance use disorder, or a co-occurring substance use and pain disorder, as well as identify the medical treatments available for prescription drug addiction.
Self Determination in Long-Term Care: Advanced
Self-Determination in Long Term Care, Part II continues the discussion begun in the Basics course and teaches how Person Centered Planning can be useful in helping people explore their options in leading self-determined lives. This course should take approximately one and one-half hours to complete. This course earns 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Self Determination in Long-Term Care: Basics
Self-Determination in Long Term Care Basics explores the option for MI Choice waiver participants to choose, hire, and supervise their direct support staff and to manage a budget for their supports and services. This course should take approximately one hour to complete. This course earns 1.0 hour of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Self-Determination: A Foundation
Foundations of Self-Determination examines the principles and tenets of Self-Determination. This course demonstrates the ability of all persons to live a life as independent as possible and to achieve their personal goals and dreams. This course should take approximately one hour to complete. This course earns 1.0 CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This training also counts for 1.0 of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHP) and Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals (QIDP).
Stages of Change: A Motivational Approach
The "Stages of Change" course is recommended for clinicians and peer support specialists who have completed "Substances of Abuse" and would like to deepen their knowledge of helping people recognize their stage on the journey of recovery. This course is approved for 1.0 CEC hour for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Substances of Abuse
The "Substances of Abuse" course is recommended for clinicians and peer support specialists who wish to gain understanding of common types of substance use and abuse. This course is approved for 1.0 CEC hour for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Suicide Prevention Among the Veteran Population
This supplemental training by Angela Griffin, LMSW will initiate a better understanding of the scope of suicide among our veteran population, as well as the dire importance of recognizing early signs and symptoms in order to prevent suicide by veterans. Also included in this training is Information detailing how to refer a veteran for care at our local Veterans Administration Medical Center Hospital.
This training is approved for 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Suicide Prevention: The Association of Alcohol and Suicide by Racial and Ethnic Groups
This supplemental training by Alexander E. Crosby, MD, MPH, provides information relative to the fundamental definition of suicide and its notable impact on public health. As well, participants will observe a comprehensive discussion on the misuse of alcohol and how it's association with suicide has varied implications relative to both ethnicity and race. Participants will learn how to use the National Violent Reporting System as an informative resource for suicide data.
This training is approved for 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and specific credit for MCBAP.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 1
This course is a five (5) part series upon which each series is a building block toward preventing, avoiding and resolving resistance. One of the pivotal points of effective therapy is the successful management of resistance. Dr. Clifton Mitchell acknowledges that most behavioral health professionals have been trained in the theoretical approaches for resistance; however the techniques covered in this particular series should be integrated with theoretical approaches and applied across the vast array of challenges that individuals may experience. Dr. Mitchell defines resistance and presents a model that empowers therapists in their objective of managing resistant individuals. This course will take approximately one hour 15 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 2
This course is Part (2) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell delves further in a discussion about the general principles for dealing with resistance. He utilizes his professional experience; as well varied scenarios to assist participants in identifying common mistakes of therapists that can subsequently cause and/or promote resistance. This course will take approximately one hour 15 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 3
This course is Part (3) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell identifies and discusses more specific approaches and techniques with particular attention dedicated to utilizing the inherent poser of language to circumvent resistance in individuals. This course will take approximately one hour to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 4
This course is Part (4) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell addresses the possible impasses a therapist may experience with resistant individuals. Essentially, Dr. Mitchell suggests appropriate approaches to be utilized when an individual responds; "Yes, but..." or "I don't know." The techniques and approaches are applicable to varied scenarios. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 5
This course is Part (5) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell summarizes the content of the course and reviews the broad array of techniques that therapists may add to their repertoire to aid in the reduction of stress that can accompany engagement with their most frustrating clients. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Traumatic Brain Injury & Substance Use
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Substance Use (SU), by Carolyn Lemsky, PhD, C.Psych., may be watched independently of our other offerings on the topic of TBI. The following topic areas are covered within this course: (1) problematic substance use and its relationship with traumatic brain injury; (2) how to talk about the risk of substance use after traumatic brain injury; (3) screening for problematic substance use; and (4) models of care for co-occurring brain injury and substance use.
This course will take approximately two hours to complete.
The VCE is an approved provider of Michigan Certified Board of Addiction Professionals (MCBAP) credits. This training offers 2.0 Specific CEC hours for MCBAP certified addiction professionals. The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) has approved this online course for 2.0 CE hours for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC) and Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CCRC). This course also meets the MDHHS criteria for training in the topic area of Co-Occurring Disorders for clinicians working with people with Traumatic Brain Injury.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Public Services
This is a free training course intended for service providers in Michigan's public service agencies, including: Community Mental Health Services Providers, Department of Human Services, MI Choice Waiver Agents, Area Agencies on Aging, Special Education professionals, and anyone who serves people with brain injury.
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative has approved this training for up to 3.0 CE credit hours required during the licensure cycle.
This course is presented in four modules. Each module requires approximately 45 minutes to complete. You may stop this training at any point and resume where you left off.
You must successfully complete all four modules in order to receive your certificate.
Understanding Workplace Violence
The Purpose of this course is to help you become aware of the potential for violence in the workplace and how to best respond to actual or potential incidents. In this course you will learn how to recognize, defuse, and resolve situations that may lead to workplace violence. You will also learn the levels of violence and response.
Workplace Violence: Intervention, Assessment, Prevention, & Response
This training will educate participants about the critical nature of a workplace violence incident and the importance of appropriate preparedness. This is a comprehensive training that will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. Training credit is offered for the following categories: Training Hours.
All Audiences
Case Management & Supports Coordination for Service Providers to Adults with Medicaid
This course will cover managed care, supports coordination, and case management as it relates to Medicaid. This course is required to be completed every two years for all Case Managers and Supports Coordinators employed to provide services to adults. This course will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete and carries 2.5 training hours.
NOTE: If you attended one of these sessions as a live training event in 2015 or participated via webcast and can show evidence though your VCE transcript; you will not need to take the online version until 2017.
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Case Management & Supports Coordination for Service Providers to Children with Medicaid
This course will cover managed care, supports coordination and case management as it relates to Medicaid. This course is required to be completed every two years for all Case Managers and Supports Coordinators employed to provide services to children. This course will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete and carries 2.5 training hours.
NOTE: If you attended one of these sessions as a live training event in 2015 or participated via webcast and can show evidence though your VCE transcript; you will not need to take the online version until 2017.
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Choice Matters: Compassion, Empathy, and Perspective Taking
This presentation focuses on techniques clinicians can use when building rapport with clients and families. Strategies include specific assessment and treatment considerations to be used with clients and their caregivers at the onset of services and throughout treatment.
Crisis Pre-Intervention Using Verbal De-Escalation
Crisis Pre–Intervention Training: This training will educate participants about ways in which to handle conflict by utilizing verbal de-escalation and conflict resolution techniques. The useful tools identified throughout the training will also assist in preventing situations from occurring in the juvenile justice system. This course will take approximately 35 minutes to complete.
Training credit is offered for the following categories: CMHP, and QMHP.
Person Centered Planning: Independent Facilitation
The "Independent Facilitation for Person Centered Planning" provides guidelines for independent facilitation and is recommended for people who have completed "Person Centered Planning with Children, Adults, and Families". This course is approved for 2.0 CEC hours for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Recovery-Enhancing Environment
It provides a foundation in the concept of recovery and includes a workbook for download.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Seizure Disorder: How to Care for Someone Having a Seizure
This training is designed to meet the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) certification requirement for direct support professionals providing services to people with seizure disorders. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. It is recommended that you complete VCE's Emergency Preparedness course before Seizure Disorders. This training does not award any Continuing Education Credits.
Understanding Workplace Violence
The Purpose of this course is to help you become aware of the potential for violence in the workplace and how to best respond to actual or potential incidents. In this course you will learn how to recognize, defuse, and resolve situations that may lead to workplace violence. You will also learn the levels of violence and response.
Workplace Violence: Intervention, Assessment, Prevention, & Response
This training will educate participants about the critical nature of a workplace violence incident and the importance of appropriate preparedness. This is a comprehensive training that will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. Training credit is offered for the following categories: Training Hours.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) 101
Introduction of what ABA (Appplied Behavioral Analysis) treatment is and what to expect from clients who are enrolled in or are seeking ABA services.
Autism 101
Autism 101 provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): symptoms and access to treatment; ABA and how it is used to target ASD symptoms; and Strategies that can be used to improve your clinical sessions with clients with ASD.
Autism Research: Toward a Biology of Higher-Impact Intervention
This presentation will cover recent scientific advances in understanding the causes and life course of autistic syndromes, with particular emphasis on findings that will inform a next generation of interventions for autism and related disorders. Discoveries in developmental psychobiology, genetics, neuro-imaging, epidemiology, and intervention science have highlighted critical frontiers in which continued progress is expected to translate into innovative and more effective treatments. Dr. Constantino identifies recent scientific advances in the genetic and neurobiological causes of autistic syndromes and discusses the utility, value, and importance of research for treatment of Autism, Developmental Disabilities, and Co-Occurring DD/MI disorders in Community Mental Health. This course will take approximately 90-100 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CEC (1 and ½ hours) for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors and Child Mental Health Professionals.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 1: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 1 by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the first of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 1 defines Autism Spectrum Disorder, identifies associated symptoms and discusses possible causes. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 2: ABA Basics: Basic Concepts of ABA and Principles of Behavior
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 2 by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the second of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 2 defines ABA Basics, EIBI, and dimensions of behavior, and discusses how learning occurs, and the importance of data. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 3: Why Behavior Occurs: Principles of Behavior, Functions of Behavior, and Behavior Measurement & Data Collection
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 3: Why Behavior Occurs by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the third of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 3 identifies the four functions of behavior to distinguish and label the units of the 3-term contingency. Participants will also have an opportunity to better understand and practice ABC data collection. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 4: Teaching Skills: Functions of Behavior, and Principles of Behavior
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 4: Teaching Skills by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the fourth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 4 defines "reinforcement." Additionally, in this part there is a discussion regarding the effects reinforcement has on behavior and the effects of motivation on reinforcement. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 5: Decreasing Behaviors: Functions of Behavior Measurement & Data Collection, and Basic Concepts of ABA
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 5: Decreasing Behavior by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the fifth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 5 further explores how reinforcement decreases behavior and begins discussing how ethical considerations must be considered when utilizing strategies to reduce behavior. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 6: Generalization and its Importance & Maintenance
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 6: Generalization and Maintenance by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the sixth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 6 defines generalization and maintenance and explores various strategies that assist in promoting generalization and maintenance. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 7: Medical Conditions, Illnesses, and Other Conditions that may Impact Behavior and Treatment
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 7: Other Conditions that May Impact Behavior and Treatment by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the seventh of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 7 explores other conditions that may impact behavior and treatment for example; family functioning, medical issues and cognitive impairment. Additionally, participants will learn how to modify programs in order to address barriers to treatment. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Collaboration and Care Coordination
This presentation will discuss the benefits of care coordination. Barriers to care coordination and strategies to overcome those barriers will be reviewed. Why is care coordination important? Interprofessional collaborative practice. Overcoming barriers to collaboration when working with a team of providers.
Debunking Reinforcement
This presentation will familiarize participants with different reinforcement techniques and focus on how to choose the right reinforcer to improve the effectiveness of reinforcement procedures. What is reinforcement? How to make reinforcement more effective. Using escape and avoidance as a reinforcer. Choosing the right reinforcer.
Developing and Writing Treatment Plans
Case Conceptualization
Report Writing
Goal Development
Social Validity
Family Systems Approach
Everyday Leadership
This presentation will help practitioners understand what evidence-based supervision is, how to effectively train and supervise others, and how to evaluate your own skills as a supervisor and set realistic goals for yourself.
Improving Communication with Individual with ASD/IDD
This presentation will discuss the importance of communication training with clients, how assessment data is used to choose the correct mode of communication, and when you need to seek assistance if things are not working.
Jump Start to Behavior Change
Behavior is communication
ABC data collection
Functions of behavior
In the moment ways to reduce problem behavior
Parent Engagement
Family considerations for treatment
Expectations for the family within ABA
Parent stress, efficacy, and treatment acceptability
Parent training
Using Behavior Assessment Data to Choose Effective Treatment
This presentation is designed for those who are conducting behavioral assessments to improve their use of assessment data to select treatment strategies for their clients.
Children's Topics
Adolescent Suicide Prevention, Assessment & Intervention
Adolescent Suicide Prevention Assessment and Intervention by Anne Brantley Segall, LMSW, BCD explores the epidemiology of adolescent suicide, including sociocultural and familial risks, as well as treatment issues. Successful completion of this course and its quiz earns 2.0 CEC hours for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This course also counts for 2.0 of the 24.0 child-specific training hours required annually by MDHHS for Child Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).
Autism Research: Toward a Biology of Higher-Impact Intervention
This presentation will cover recent scientific advances in understanding the causes and life course of autistic syndromes, with particular emphasis on findings that will inform a next generation of interventions for autism and related disorders. Discoveries in developmental psychobiology, genetics, neuro-imaging, epidemiology, and intervention science have highlighted critical frontiers in which continued progress is expected to translate into innovative and more effective treatments. Dr. Constantino identifies recent scientific advances in the genetic and neurobiological causes of autistic syndromes and discusses the utility, value, and importance of research for treatment of Autism, Developmental Disabilities, and Co-Occurring DD/MI disorders in Community Mental Health. This course will take approximately 90-100 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CEC (1 and ½ hours) for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors and Child Mental Health Professionals.
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Children & Adolescents
This two-hour course provides an introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children and Adolescents. Viewers will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of this evidence-based practice. This training counts for 2.0 hours of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).
Cultural Competency: Working with LGBTQ Youth
This 90-minute cultural competency course provides an introduction to working with lesbian, gay, bi-attractional, transgendered and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Emphasis is placed on challenges faced by LGBTQ youth at home and school. This training counts for 1.5 hours of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).
Developing Cultural Competence in Systems of Care
This course will take approximately 2.0 hours to complete and carries 2.0 CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. MDHHS require that all members of the community mental health workforce complete training in the topic area of cultural competence a minimum of once every three years. This course addresses the cultural competence model through the prism of historically marginalized populations, specifically through the American Indian population. It will emphasize how racial and ethnic identity formation theory, and how an individual’s’ cultural beliefs and values determine how they utilize mental health services.
Ethical Issues in Child & Family Therapy
This training counts toward 3.0 hours of the 24 hours of annual training required for Child Mental Health Professionals by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS). This training is also approved for 3.0 hours of CEC for licensed professional counselors. Please note that this course does not carry CEC for licensed social workers.
Gender Identity/Expression in Children and Youth: Basics for Addressing Cultural Aspects
This training will address the need for understanding the differing cultural aspects of gender identity and sexual expression in children and youth including current best practices for when and how to talk about gender identity and sexual orientation issues. Specifics will include the basic understanding of terms such as transgender, DSD (Disordered Sexual Development), intersex, asexual, pansexual, gender queer, Two Spirit, gay, lesbian, bisexual and questioning. Participants will be given resources they can readily use in their practice/groups/classrooms including a Bibliography, glossary, videos they can access from the web, and national web sites with updated information.
Human Sexuality: Sexual Awareness for Children & Adults with Mental Illness or Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities
This course will take approximately one half-hour to complete. This course will explore the various stages of sexuality in children and adults with mental illness or a developmental disability.
Duration: 30 min. | Frequency: Once |
Navigating Community Mental Health
Navigating Community Mental Health will provide information pertaining to accessing community mental health services in Wayne County within a System of Care.This course will explain Developmental Disability and Serious Emotional Disturbance and the services available to them.It will explore the development and implementation of a countywide System of Care, collaborating across all systems including Child Welfare, Community Mental Health, Juvenile Justice and the Public School System, learning the positive impact on children and families.
This course should take approximately two hours to complete and awards 2.0 CE hours for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Navigating Special Education
Navigating Special Education Services within Wayne County presents numerous barriers for children, youth and their families, resulting in children and youth experiencing a delay in accessing Special Education services. This increases the need for mental health services due to stressors associated with micro and macro level systemic barriers. This training will assist with educating the public as it relates to accessing Special Education Services in Wayne County, empowering children, youth and families and those who serve them. This training counts for 2.5 CEC hours for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, Qualified Intellectual Disability Professionals, Child Mental Health Professionals, and Qualified Mental Health Professionals.
Play Therapy with Children: Practice Concepts & Clinical Illustrations
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for two hours (2.0 hours) of CEC. This training also counts for two hours (2.0 hours) toward the 24 hours of annual training required by MDHHS for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP). This training explores the dynamics of trauma in relational and developmental context and play therapy intervention. Learners will develop skills in assessing levels of complexity of trauma and appropriate play therapy intervention.
The Impact of Child Trauma on Sensory Processing: Creating a Supportive Response for Children with Sensory Modulation Disorders: Concepts and Tools
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for 3.0 CEC hours. This training also counts as 3.0 hours toward the 24 hours of annual training required by MDHHS for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).Evidence exists that children with trauma history experience sensory processing disorders across three different typologies, with sensory modulation disorders being most prevalent.Identification of behaviors that reflect sensory processing challenges is the first step in creating supportive responses, which include natural, inexpensive methods.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 1
This course is a five (5) part series upon which each series is a building block toward preventing, avoiding and resolving resistance. One of the pivotal points of effective therapy is the successful management of resistance. Dr. Clifton Mitchell acknowledges that most behavioral health professionals have been trained in the theoretical approaches for resistance; however the techniques covered in this particular series should be integrated with theoretical approaches and applied across the vast array of challenges that individuals may experience. Dr. Mitchell defines resistance and presents a model that empowers therapists in their objective of managing resistant individuals. This course will take approximately one hour 15 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 2
This course is Part (2) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell delves further in a discussion about the general principles for dealing with resistance. He utilizes his professional experience; as well varied scenarios to assist participants in identifying common mistakes of therapists that can subsequently cause and/or promote resistance. This course will take approximately one hour 15 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 3
This course is Part (3) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell identifies and discusses more specific approaches and techniques with particular attention dedicated to utilizing the inherent poser of language to circumvent resistance in individuals. This course will take approximately one hour to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 4
This course is Part (4) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell addresses the possible impasses a therapist may experience with resistant individuals. Essentially, Dr. Mitchell suggests appropriate approaches to be utilized when an individual responds; "Yes, but..." or "I don't know." The techniques and approaches are applicable to varied scenarios. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 5
This course is Part (5) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell summarizes the content of the course and reviews the broad array of techniques that therapists may add to their repertoire to aid in the reduction of stress that can accompany engagement with their most frustrating clients. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Pediatric
This is a free training course intended for service providers in Michigan's public service agencies, including: Community Mental Health Services Providers, Department of Human Services, MI Choice Waiver Agents, Area Agencies on Aging, Special Education professionals, and anyone who serves people with brain injury.
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for 1.0 CE credit hours. This training also counts for 1.0 hours toward the 24 hours of annual training required by MDHHS for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP). The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) has approved this online course for .75 CE hours for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC) and Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CCRC).
This course is presented in four modules. Each module requires approximately 20 minutes to complete. You may stop this training at any point and resume where you left off. You must successfully complete all four modules in order to receive your certificate.
Crisis Pre-Intervention Using Verbal De-Escalation
Crisis Pre–Intervention Training: This training will educate participants about ways in which to handle conflict by utilizing verbal de-escalation and conflict resolution techniques. The useful tools identified throughout the training will also assist in preventing situations from occurring in the juvenile justice system. This course will take approximately 35 minutes to complete.
Training credit is offered for the following categories: CMHP, and QMHP.
Seizure Disorder: How to Care for Someone Having a Seizure
This training is designed to meet the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) certification requirement for direct support professionals providing services to people with seizure disorders. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. It is recommended that you complete VCE's Emergency Preparedness course before Seizure Disorders. This training does not award any Continuing Education Credits.
Understanding Workplace Violence
The Purpose of this course is to help you become aware of the potential for violence in the workplace and how to best respond to actual or potential incidents. In this course you will learn how to recognize, defuse, and resolve situations that may lead to workplace violence. You will also learn the levels of violence and response.
Workplace Violence: Intervention, Assessment, Prevention, & Response
This training will educate participants about the critical nature of a workplace violence incident and the importance of appropriate preparedness. This is a comprehensive training that will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. Training credit is offered for the following categories: Training Hours.
Co-Occurring Disorders
Co-Occurring Disorders: Principles of Successful Treatment for Individuals & Families with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
This training meets the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services certification requirement for this topic area. Co-Occurring Disorders: Principles of Successful Treatment for Individuals & Families with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders by Kenneth Minkoff, MD provides basic information on working with persons with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder diagnoses. An emphasis is placed on creating a welcoming environment and completing strengths-based assessments using Stages of Change. This course will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete and awards 2.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, qualified mental health professionals, and specific credit for certified drug & alcohol counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Cultural Competence
Cultural Competency: Working with LGBTQ Youth
This 90-minute cultural competency course provides an introduction to working with lesbian, gay, bi-attractional, transgendered and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Emphasis is placed on challenges faced by LGBTQ youth at home and school. This training counts for 1.5 hours of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).
Cultural Humility & the Work of Caring for Children, Adults, & Families
This course will take approximately an hour and one half to complete and carries 1.5 CEC's for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This course will explore the meaning of culture and caring, as well as examine cultural humility in caring and implications for professional practice.
Developing Cultural Competence in Systems of Care
This course will take approximately 2.0 hours to complete and carries 2.0 CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. MDHHS require that all members of the community mental health workforce complete training in the topic area of cultural competence a minimum of once every three years. This course addresses the cultural competence model through the prism of historically marginalized populations, specifically through the American Indian population. It will emphasize how racial and ethnic identity formation theory, and how an individual’s’ cultural beliefs and values determine how they utilize mental health services.
Gender Identity/Expression in Children and Youth: Basics for Addressing Cultural Aspects
This training will address the need for understanding the differing cultural aspects of gender identity and sexual expression in children and youth including current best practices for when and how to talk about gender identity and sexual orientation issues. Specifics will include the basic understanding of terms such as transgender, DSD (Disordered Sexual Development), intersex, asexual, pansexual, gender queer, Two Spirit, gay, lesbian, bisexual and questioning. Participants will be given resources they can readily use in their practice/groups/classrooms including a Bibliography, glossary, videos they can access from the web, and national web sites with updated information.
Direct Care
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 1: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 1 by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the first of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 1 defines Autism Spectrum Disorder, identifies associated symptoms and discusses possible causes. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 2: ABA Basics: Basic Concepts of ABA and Principles of Behavior
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 2 by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the second of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 2 defines ABA Basics, EIBI, and dimensions of behavior, and discusses how learning occurs, and the importance of data. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 3: Why Behavior Occurs: Principles of Behavior, Functions of Behavior, and Behavior Measurement & Data Collection
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 3: Why Behavior Occurs by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the third of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 3 identifies the four functions of behavior to distinguish and label the units of the 3-term contingency. Participants will also have an opportunity to better understand and practice ABC data collection. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 4: Teaching Skills: Functions of Behavior, and Principles of Behavior
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 4: Teaching Skills by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the fourth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 4 defines "reinforcement." Additionally, in this part there is a discussion regarding the effects reinforcement has on behavior and the effects of motivation on reinforcement. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 5: Decreasing Behaviors: Functions of Behavior Measurement & Data Collection, and Basic Concepts of ABA
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 5: Decreasing Behavior by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the fifth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 5 further explores how reinforcement decreases behavior and begins discussing how ethical considerations must be considered when utilizing strategies to reduce behavior. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 6: Generalization and its Importance & Maintenance
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 6: Generalization and Maintenance by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the sixth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 6 defines generalization and maintenance and explores various strategies that assist in promoting generalization and maintenance. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 7: Medical Conditions, Illnesses, and Other Conditions that may Impact Behavior and Treatment
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 7: Other Conditions that May Impact Behavior and Treatment by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the seventh of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 7 explores other conditions that may impact behavior and treatment for example; family functioning, medical issues and cognitive impairment. Additionally, participants will learn how to modify programs in order to address barriers to treatment. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
From Brain to Behavior Part 1
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 1 of 4 addresses the principles of establishing empathy. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 2
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 2 of 4 addresses meeting basic needs and begins a discussion of brain structure and its impacts on behavior. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 3
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 3 of 4 continues the discussion around the impact of brain structure on behavior begun in Part 2 of this series. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 4
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 4 of 4 concludes the series with final thoughts on establishing empathy, meeting basic needs, and the impact of brain structure on behavior. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Human Sexuality: Sexual Awareness for Children & Adults with Mental Illness or Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities
This course will take approximately one half-hour to complete. This course will explore the various stages of sexuality in children and adults with mental illness or a developmental disability.
Duration: 30 min. | Frequency: Once |
Medication Administration Refresher
This 30 minute course is intended as an annual refresher course for direct support professionals. It should not be used in place of a thorough introductory training. This course addresses appropriate medication administration and common mistakes made during the administration of medication in residential settings.
Seizure Disorder: How to Care for Someone Having a Seizure
This training is designed to meet the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) certification requirement for direct support professionals providing services to people with seizure disorders. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. It is recommended that you complete VCE's Emergency Preparedness course before Seizure Disorders. This training does not award any Continuing Education Credits.
Ethical Issues in Child & Family Therapy
This training counts toward 3.0 hours of the 24 hours of annual training required for Child Mental Health Professionals by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS). This training is also approved for 3.0 hours of CEC for licensed professional counselors. Please note that this course does not carry CEC for licensed social workers.
Evidence-Based Practices
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Training
In this course, Josh Smith, LMSW, BCD provides an introduction to DBT, a treatment model rooted in an individual's ability to change. In standard DBT, different types of psychosocial therapy may be utilized as part of treatment. DBT emphasizes validation, a powerful technique wherein the therapist and participant work toward accepting uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and behaviors rather than struggling with them. Once validation occurs, it is then possible to establish goals. As a comprehensive treatment, DBT can:
- Decrease the frequency and severity of self-destructive behaviors.
- Increase the motivation to change by providing positive reinforcement.
- Teach new "coping skills" that generalize to a person's natural environment.
- Provide a treatment environment that emphasizes the strengths of individuals and their treatment.
- Enhance the therapist's motivation and ability to work effectively.
DBT also integrates coping skills and specific behavioral techniques used to combat the disabling symptoms of mental illness. This training takes approximately four (4) hours to complete and provides the following credits upon completion: 4.0 CEC hours for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and qualified mental health professionals.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Autism Research: Toward a Biology of Higher-Impact Intervention
This presentation will cover recent scientific advances in understanding the causes and life course of autistic syndromes, with particular emphasis on findings that will inform a next generation of interventions for autism and related disorders. Discoveries in developmental psychobiology, genetics, neuro-imaging, epidemiology, and intervention science have highlighted critical frontiers in which continued progress is expected to translate into innovative and more effective treatments. Dr. Constantino identifies recent scientific advances in the genetic and neurobiological causes of autistic syndromes and discusses the utility, value, and importance of research for treatment of Autism, Developmental Disabilities, and Co-Occurring DD/MI disorders in Community Mental Health. This course will take approximately 90-100 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CEC (1 and ½ hours) for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors and Child Mental Health Professionals.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 1: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 1 by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the first of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 1 defines Autism Spectrum Disorder, identifies associated symptoms and discusses possible causes. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 2: ABA Basics: Basic Concepts of ABA and Principles of Behavior
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 2 by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the second of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 2 defines ABA Basics, EIBI, and dimensions of behavior, and discusses how learning occurs, and the importance of data. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 3: Why Behavior Occurs: Principles of Behavior, Functions of Behavior, and Behavior Measurement & Data Collection
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 3: Why Behavior Occurs by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the third of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 3 identifies the four functions of behavior to distinguish and label the units of the 3-term contingency. Participants will also have an opportunity to better understand and practice ABC data collection. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 4: Teaching Skills: Functions of Behavior, and Principles of Behavior
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 4: Teaching Skills by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the fourth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 4 defines "reinforcement." Additionally, in this part there is a discussion regarding the effects reinforcement has on behavior and the effects of motivation on reinforcement. It will take approximately one hour to complete this course and will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 5: Decreasing Behaviors: Functions of Behavior Measurement & Data Collection, and Basic Concepts of ABA
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 5: Decreasing Behavior by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the fifth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 5 further explores how reinforcement decreases behavior and begins discussing how ethical considerations must be considered when utilizing strategies to reduce behavior. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 6: Generalization and its Importance & Maintenance
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 6: Generalization and Maintenance by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the sixth of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 6 defines generalization and maintenance and explores various strategies that assist in promoting generalization and maintenance. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavior Analysis 7: Medical Conditions, Illnesses, and Other Conditions that may Impact Behavior and Treatment
Behavioral Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis Part 7: Other Conditions that May Impact Behavior and Treatment by Krista Kennedy, MS, LLP, BCBA is the seventh of a planned seven-part series providing Behavior Technician Training on Applied Behavioral Analysis to direct care workers. Part 7 explores other conditions that may impact behavior and treatment for example; family functioning, medical issues and cognitive impairment. Additionally, participants will learn how to modify programs in order to address barriers to treatment. It will take approximately an hour to complete this course and it will count for 1.0 hour of QIDP training.
From Brain to Behavior Part 1
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 1 of 4 addresses the principles of establishing empathy. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 2
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 2 of 4 addresses meeting basic needs and begins a discussion of brain structure and its impacts on behavior. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 3
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 3 of 4 continues the discussion around the impact of brain structure on behavior begun in Part 2 of this series. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
From Brain to Behavior Part 4
This online course series was developed by Ali Amirsadri, MD to enhance working relationships between direct support professionals and the individuals to whom they provide support services. Part 4 of 4 concludes the series with final thoughts on establishing empathy, meeting basic needs, and the impact of brain structure on behavior. This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Human Sexuality: Sexual Awareness for Children & Adults with Mental Illness or Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities
This course will take approximately one half-hour to complete. This course will explore the various stages of sexuality in children and adults with mental illness or a developmental disability.
Duration: 30 min. | Frequency: Once |
Navigating Community Mental Health
Navigating Community Mental Health will provide information pertaining to accessing community mental health services in Wayne County within a System of Care.This course will explain Developmental Disability and Serious Emotional Disturbance and the services available to them.It will explore the development and implementation of a countywide System of Care, collaborating across all systems including Child Welfare, Community Mental Health, Juvenile Justice and the Public School System, learning the positive impact on children and families.
This course should take approximately two hours to complete and awards 2.0 CE hours for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Navigating Special Education
Navigating Special Education Services within Wayne County presents numerous barriers for children, youth and their families, resulting in children and youth experiencing a delay in accessing Special Education services. This increases the need for mental health services due to stressors associated with micro and macro level systemic barriers. This training will assist with educating the public as it relates to accessing Special Education Services in Wayne County, empowering children, youth and families and those who serve them. This training counts for 2.5 CEC hours for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, Qualified Intellectual Disability Professionals, Child Mental Health Professionals, and Qualified Mental Health Professionals.
Self Determination in Long-Term Care: Advanced
Self-Determination in Long Term Care, Part II continues the discussion begun in the Basics course and teaches how Person Centered Planning can be useful in helping people explore their options in leading self-determined lives. This course should take approximately one and one-half hours to complete. This course earns 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Self Determination in Long-Term Care: Basics
Self-Determination in Long Term Care Basics explores the option for MI Choice waiver participants to choose, hire, and supervise their direct support staff and to manage a budget for their supports and services. This course should take approximately one hour to complete. This course earns 1.0 hour of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Self-Determination: A Foundation
Foundations of Self-Determination examines the principles and tenets of Self-Determination. This course demonstrates the ability of all persons to live a life as independent as possible and to achieve their personal goals and dreams. This course should take approximately one hour to complete. This course earns 1.0 CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This training also counts for 1.0 of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHP) and Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals (QIDP).
Juvenile Justice
Crisis Pre-Intervention Using Verbal De-Escalation
Crisis Pre–Intervention Training: This training will educate participants about ways in which to handle conflict by utilizing verbal de-escalation and conflict resolution techniques. The useful tools identified throughout the training will also assist in preventing situations from occurring in the juvenile justice system. This course will take approximately 35 minutes to complete.
Training credit is offered for the following categories: CMHP, and QMHP.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 1
This course is a five (5) part series upon which each series is a building block toward preventing, avoiding and resolving resistance. One of the pivotal points of effective therapy is the successful management of resistance. Dr. Clifton Mitchell acknowledges that most behavioral health professionals have been trained in the theoretical approaches for resistance; however the techniques covered in this particular series should be integrated with theoretical approaches and applied across the vast array of challenges that individuals may experience. Dr. Mitchell defines resistance and presents a model that empowers therapists in their objective of managing resistant individuals. This course will take approximately one hour 15 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 2
This course is Part (2) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell delves further in a discussion about the general principles for dealing with resistance. He utilizes his professional experience; as well varied scenarios to assist participants in identifying common mistakes of therapists that can subsequently cause and/or promote resistance. This course will take approximately one hour 15 minutes to complete and carries 1.5 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 3
This course is Part (3) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell identifies and discusses more specific approaches and techniques with particular attention dedicated to utilizing the inherent poser of language to circumvent resistance in individuals. This course will take approximately one hour to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 4
This course is Part (4) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell addresses the possible impasses a therapist may experience with resistant individuals. Essentially, Dr. Mitchell suggests appropriate approaches to be utilized when an individual responds; "Yes, but..." or "I don't know." The techniques and approaches are applicable to varied scenarios. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Therapeutic Resistance: Effective Techniques for Adolescents & Adults - Part 5
This course is Part (5) of a five (5) part series whereby Dr. Clifton Mitchell summarizes the content of the course and reviews the broad array of techniques that therapists may add to their repertoire to aid in the reduction of stress that can accompany engagement with their most frustrating clients. This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and carries 1.0 CECs for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. Training credit is offered for the following categories: MI-CEC, CMHP, QMHP, and Training Hours.
Cultural Competency: Working with LGBTQ Youth
This 90-minute cultural competency course provides an introduction to working with lesbian, gay, bi-attractional, transgendered and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Emphasis is placed on challenges faced by LGBTQ youth at home and school. This training counts for 1.5 hours of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).
Gender Identity/Expression in Children and Youth: Basics for Addressing Cultural Aspects
This training will address the need for understanding the differing cultural aspects of gender identity and sexual expression in children and youth including current best practices for when and how to talk about gender identity and sexual orientation issues. Specifics will include the basic understanding of terms such as transgender, DSD (Disordered Sexual Development), intersex, asexual, pansexual, gender queer, Two Spirit, gay, lesbian, bisexual and questioning. Participants will be given resources they can readily use in their practice/groups/classrooms including a Bibliography, glossary, videos they can access from the web, and national web sites with updated information.
Human Sexuality: Sexual Awareness for Children & Adults with Mental Illness or Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities
This course will take approximately one half-hour to complete. This course will explore the various stages of sexuality in children and adults with mental illness or a developmental disability.
Duration: 30 min. | Frequency: Once |
Older Adults
Advance Directives for Medical & Mental Health Care
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this MDHHS recommended training for 1.0 CEC hour. The Advance Directives course explores planning for medical and mental health care in the event of loss of decision-making ability.
Pain Management
Pain Management: Interdisciplinary Approaches
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for 1.0 CEC hour. Hospice of Michigan's Maggie Allessee Center for Quality of Life has approved this traning for 1.0 CNE credit hours. This training also counts as 1.0 hour toward the 24 hours of annual training required by MDHHS.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 1: An Overview
This training will increase awareness and understanding of PSH, illustrate its core concepts, and provide an overview of how PSH works in the Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health system. It will take approximately 75 minutes to complete this course. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 1.0 hour of CE credits for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 2: Housing and Recovery
This course is intended for people who have completed Overview of Permanent Supportive Housing and will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 1.5 hour of CE credits for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 3: Planning for Housing
This course is intended for people who have completed Overview of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and PSH 2: Housing & Recovery. It will increase your understanding of how housing can be integrated into person-centered planning and improve your ability to assess and address individual preferences for housing and community support. This course will take approximately two hours to complete. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 2.0 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 4: Critical Time Intervention
This course is intended for people who have completed: (1) Overview of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH); (2) PSH 2: Housing & Recovery; and (3) PSH 3: Addressing Housing Needs Through Person Centered Planning. This course will increase your understanding of Critical Time Intervention (CTI) as an Evidence-Based Practice and will show how CTI can be used within PSH. This course will take approximately two hours to complete. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative (MI-CEC) have approved this course for 2.0 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 5: Assuring Quality in Evidence-Based Practices: Introduction to the General Organizational Index (GOI)
General Organizational Index (GOI): Assuring Quality in Evidence-Based Practices: An Introduction to the GOI will increase your understanding of the purpose and structure of the GOI and teach how to use the GOI for assessment of community living skills. It illustrates how the GOI can be used to strengthen the quality of evidence-based programs. This training counts for 2.0 CEC hours for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and Qualified Mental Health Professionals.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) 6: Assuring Quality in Evidence Based Practices: Introduction to EBP Fidelity Assessment
This course will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete and carries 2.5 CEC's for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This course will increase understanding of fidelity scales for evidence-based practices (EBP), using Permanent Supportive Housing as an example of how to EBP fidelity assessments of programs are conducted.
Self Determination in Long-Term Care: Advanced
Self-Determination in Long Term Care, Part II continues the discussion begun in the Basics course and teaches how Person Centered Planning can be useful in helping people explore their options in leading self-determined lives. This course should take approximately one and one-half hours to complete. This course earns 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Self Determination in Long-Term Care: Basics
Self-Determination in Long Term Care Basics explores the option for MI Choice waiver participants to choose, hire, and supervise their direct support staff and to manage a budget for their supports and services. This course should take approximately one hour to complete. This course earns 1.0 hour of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Self-Determination: A Foundation
Foundations of Self-Determination examines the principles and tenets of Self-Determination. This course demonstrates the ability of all persons to live a life as independent as possible and to achieve their personal goals and dreams. This course should take approximately one hour to complete. This course earns 1.0 CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This training also counts for 1.0 of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHP) and Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals (QIDP).
Substance Use
Co-Occurring Disorders: Principles of Successful Treatment for Individuals & Families with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
This training meets the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services certification requirement for this topic area. Co-Occurring Disorders: Principles of Successful Treatment for Individuals & Families with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders by Kenneth Minkoff, MD provides basic information on working with persons with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder diagnoses. An emphasis is placed on creating a welcoming environment and completing strengths-based assessments using Stages of Change. This course will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete and awards 2.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, qualified mental health professionals, and specific credit for certified drug & alcohol counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Detoxification: Basic Principles
Basic Principles of Detoxification with Mark Menestrina, MD, FASAM outlines the rationale for treating withdrawal as the first step in the recovery process. The major classes of drugs of abuse will be reviewed, including alcohol. The withdrawal symptoms for each class will be outlined, as well as the pharmacological agents commonly utilized to treat each class of drug withdrawal syndrome. This course will take approximately three hours to complete. 1.5 CEC is awarded to licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
Prescription Drug Abuse and Opioid Epidemic
This course will take approximately 0.5 hours to complete. This course will inform how to distinguish among a pain diagnosis, a substance use disorder, or a co-occurring substance use and pain disorder, as well as identify the medical treatments available for prescription drug addiction.
Stages of Change: A Motivational Approach
The "Stages of Change" course is recommended for clinicians and peer support specialists who have completed "Substances of Abuse" and would like to deepen their knowledge of helping people recognize their stage on the journey of recovery. This course is approved for 1.0 CEC hour for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Substances of Abuse
The "Substances of Abuse" course is recommended for clinicians and peer support specialists who wish to gain understanding of common types of substance use and abuse. This course is approved for 1.0 CEC hour for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Suicide Prevention: The Association of Alcohol and Suicide by Racial and Ethnic Groups
This supplemental training by Alexander E. Crosby, MD, MPH, provides information relative to the fundamental definition of suicide and its notable impact on public health. As well, participants will observe a comprehensive discussion on the misuse of alcohol and how it's association with suicide has varied implications relative to both ethnicity and race. Participants will learn how to use the National Violent Reporting System as an informative resource for suicide data.
This training is approved for 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and specific credit for MCBAP.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Traumatic Brain Injury & Substance Use
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Substance Use (SU), by Carolyn Lemsky, PhD, C.Psych., may be watched independently of our other offerings on the topic of TBI. The following topic areas are covered within this course: (1) problematic substance use and its relationship with traumatic brain injury; (2) how to talk about the risk of substance use after traumatic brain injury; (3) screening for problematic substance use; and (4) models of care for co-occurring brain injury and substance use.
This course will take approximately two hours to complete.
The VCE is an approved provider of Michigan Certified Board of Addiction Professionals (MCBAP) credits. This training offers 2.0 Specific CEC hours for MCBAP certified addiction professionals. The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) has approved this online course for 2.0 CE hours for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC) and Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CCRC). This course also meets the MDHHS criteria for training in the topic area of Co-Occurring Disorders for clinicians working with people with Traumatic Brain Injury.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Suicide Prevention
Adolescent Suicide Prevention, Assessment & Intervention
Adolescent Suicide Prevention Assessment and Intervention by Anne Brantley Segall, LMSW, BCD explores the epidemiology of adolescent suicide, including sociocultural and familial risks, as well as treatment issues. Successful completion of this course and its quiz earns 2.0 CEC hours for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors. This course also counts for 2.0 of the 24.0 child-specific training hours required annually by MDHHS for Child Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).
Suicide Prevention Among the Veteran Population
This supplemental training by Angela Griffin, LMSW will initiate a better understanding of the scope of suicide among our veteran population, as well as the dire importance of recognizing early signs and symptoms in order to prevent suicide by veterans. Also included in this training is Information detailing how to refer a veteran for care at our local Veterans Administration Medical Center Hospital.
This training is approved for 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers and licensed professional counselors.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
Suicide Prevention: The Association of Alcohol and Suicide by Racial and Ethnic Groups
This supplemental training by Alexander E. Crosby, MD, MPH, provides information relative to the fundamental definition of suicide and its notable impact on public health. As well, participants will observe a comprehensive discussion on the misuse of alcohol and how it's association with suicide has varied implications relative to both ethnicity and race. Participants will learn how to use the National Violent Reporting System as an informative resource for suicide data.
This training is approved for 1.5 hours of CEC for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors, and specific credit for MCBAP.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-R certified addiction professionals.
The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
The Columbia Protocol, also known as the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), supports suicide risk assessment through a series of simple, plain-language questions that anyone can ask. The answers help users identify whether someone is at risk for suicide, assess the severity and immediacy of that risk, and gauge the level of support that the person needs.
Core Competencies: Children's Mental Health Supervisors - Train the Trainer Booster
Core Competencies: Children's Mental Health Supervisors - Train the Trainer Booster is intended to provide an annual refresher for Children's Supervisors that have completed the live full-day train-the-trainer session offered annually through VCE. The following topic areas are reviewed: (1) Strength-Based Assessments; (2) Family Centered Planning; (3) Safety & Crisis Planning; and (4) Writing Measurable Goals & Objectives.
Intergenerational Trauma
This course will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete and carries 1.5 credits for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors. This course also counts for child mental health professional and qualified mental health professional hours. This course will increase understanding of intergenerational trauma and the transmission of it through individuals, families, and cultures.
Secondary Trauma
This course will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete and carries 1.5 credits for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors. This course also counts for child mental health professional and qualified mental health professional hours. This course will increase understanding of the secondary traumatic stress, organizational stress and how to build resiliency.
The Impact of Child Trauma on Sensory Processing: Creating a Supportive Response for Children with Sensory Modulation Disorders: Concepts and Tools
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for 3.0 CEC hours. This training also counts as 3.0 hours toward the 24 hours of annual training required by MDHHS for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).Evidence exists that children with trauma history experience sensory processing disorders across three different typologies, with sensory modulation disorders being most prevalent.Identification of behaviors that reflect sensory processing challenges is the first step in creating supportive responses, which include natural, inexpensive methods.
Trauma 101
This course will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete and carries 1.5 credits for licensed social workers, licensed professional counselors. This course also counts for child mental health professional and qualified mental health professional hours. This course will increase understanding of the basic tenets of trauma in adults and children.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Children & Adolescents
This two-hour course provides an introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children and Adolescents. Viewers will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of this evidence-based practice. This training counts for 2.0 hours of the 24 hours of annual training required by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP).
Traumatic Brain Injury & Substance Use
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Substance Use (SU), by Carolyn Lemsky, PhD, C.Psych., may be watched independently of our other offerings on the topic of TBI. The following topic areas are covered within this course: (1) problematic substance use and its relationship with traumatic brain injury; (2) how to talk about the risk of substance use after traumatic brain injury; (3) screening for problematic substance use; and (4) models of care for co-occurring brain injury and substance use.
This course will take approximately two hours to complete.
The VCE is an approved provider of Michigan Certified Board of Addiction Professionals (MCBAP) credits. This training offers 2.0 Specific CEC hours for MCBAP certified addiction professionals. The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) has approved this online course for 2.0 CE hours for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC) and Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CCRC). This course also meets the MDHHS criteria for training in the topic area of Co-Occurring Disorders for clinicians working with people with Traumatic Brain Injury.
This training offers related CEC hours for MCBAP-S certified addiction professionals.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Adults: Cognitive & Behavioral Consequences
This is a free training course intended for service providers in Michigan's public service agencies, including: Community Mental Health Services Providers, Department of Human Services, MI Choice Waiver Agents, Area Agencies on Aging, Special Education professionals, and anyone who serves people with brain injury. The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for up to 1.5 CE credit hours required during the licensure cycle.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Pediatric
This is a free training course intended for service providers in Michigan's public service agencies, including: Community Mental Health Services Providers, Department of Human Services, MI Choice Waiver Agents, Area Agencies on Aging, Special Education professionals, and anyone who serves people with brain injury.
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative have approved this training for 1.0 CE credit hours. This training also counts for 1.0 hours toward the 24 hours of annual training required by MDHHS for Children's Mental Health Professionals (CMHP). The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) has approved this online course for .75 CE hours for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC) and Canadian Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CCRC).
This course is presented in four modules. Each module requires approximately 20 minutes to complete. You may stop this training at any point and resume where you left off. You must successfully complete all four modules in order to receive your certificate.
Traumatic Brain Injury: Public Services
This is a free training course intended for service providers in Michigan's public service agencies, including: Community Mental Health Services Providers, Department of Human Services, MI Choice Waiver Agents, Area Agencies on Aging, Special Education professionals, and anyone who serves people with brain injury.
The Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative has approved this training for up to 3.0 CE credit hours required during the licensure cycle.
This course is presented in four modules. Each module requires approximately 45 minutes to complete. You may stop this training at any point and resume where you left off.
You must successfully complete all four modules in order to receive your certificate.