Oct 25, 2024

QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Training


QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)


Suicide Prevention Certification Training


Date: October 25, 2024


Time: 9:00am-11:00am


Location: Zoom Webinar

(Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants)

Course Description:

By learning QPR, participants will learn the warning signs and risk factors to recognize when someone may be suicidal and what to do about it to potentially save a life. QPR is equated to CPR as an early intervention that can be implemented by anyone and is not a form of counseling or treatment. QPR is an evidence-based practice.

Course Objectives:

1. Participants will learn to recognize warning signs and risk factors related to suicide.

2. Participants will learn how to appropriately ask someone at risk if they are thinking about suicide and what to do if the answer is yes.

3. Participants will learn how to include parents/guardians of youth who are at risk.


9:00-9:30 Introduction, Overview, Warning Signs and Risk Factors

9:30-11:00 QPR Training, Q & A


1.5 MI-CEC-  Michigan Social Work credits have been approved for this training.

1.5 CMHP- Child Mental Health Professional credits have been approved for this training.

1.5 MCBAP- Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professional credits have been approved for this training.

1.5 QIDP- Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional credits are been approved for this training.

1.5 Training Hours


Registration / Walk-In Policy

Registration is required. Walk-ins WILL NOT be permitted. Register to ensure your attendance.

Photo Consent

By joining us at this event, attendees consent to Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network's Detroit Wayne Connect photographing, videotaping and using your image and likeness.

ADA Accomodations

If you have individual requirements or need special services to participate in this training, please notify Trent Sanford at (313) 409-7865 or tsanford@dwihn.org Please make arrangements at least two weeks before the event date.

DWC Questions

If you have any questions in regards to the training or the credits, please contact Trent Sanford at Tsanford@dwihn.org